The scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter…Psalm 45:6



Global Initiative for Transformation of Nations

This is an initiative to intentionally and strategically raise men and women for the thrones who are fully equipped with wisdom, integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands, adequately armed with the scepter of righteousness to operate effectively on the thrones or any position of authority and to transform their domains, kingdoms and spheres of influence.

Operational Description of Thrones

The operational description of thrones is the position of kings, rulers, government, leaders (religious, corporate and political), parents, guardians and educators whereby someone has the privilege and
responsibility to nurture, steer, guide, supervise, direct, lead, oversee and assert authority over others, be it a household, groups of people, community, the land and the nation.

The Problem Statements

  • Lack of understanding of the purpose of thrones

  • Lack of spiritual, emotional and intellectual capacity building

  • Deficiencies in strategies to deal with the foundations of thrones

  • Inappropriate and inadequate discipleship training andĀ mentoring

  • Lack of understanding by kings and leaders as custodians and
    gatekeepers of kingdom resources to deal with Babylonian systems

The Thrones Paradigm

The thrones paradigm is a concept that we are all responsible for
one throne or another presently or later in life. It is a paradigm of
initiating transformation by deploying the dynamic power of thrones and
the spiritual energies of kings and all people in position of authority
through proper mentorship. It is the paradigm shift of securing the future
by raising royal personalities