The scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter…Psalm 45:6


Rebuilding Foundations

Training to emphasize the importance of foundations and to equip men and women with skills and strategies of rebuilding faulty foundations as the basis of solving most problems in every sector of society for sustainable growth and development.

Integrity of Hearts and Skillfulness of Hands

The future of our families, communities and nations depend on our response today to the need to intentionally train and raise men and women with the right vision, mind-set, attitude, values, integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands as basic ingredients for national transformation.

The Rainbow Heart Initiative

For the nation to truly attain her prophetic corporate identity and significant status of a Rainbow Nation at peace with itself and the world, in order to fulfil her corporate destiny, we need Rainbow Hearts for the Rainbow Nation. This involves a pragmatic training, interventions, and initiatives for the attainment of a detribalized hearts to become The Rainbow People of God.

Peacemaking and Reconciliation Intervention

Peacemaking and reconciliation is hard work because a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city. Facing the brutal facts, resolving conflicts, ending injustice, addressing the root causes of conflicts and re-establishing healthy relationships is not an easy task. It requires concerted efforts, commitment, and strategic training to bring peace.

Marriage and Family Restoration Advocacy

A nation is as strong as the families that constitute the nation because the family is the building block of any society and nation. Therefore, to transform a nation, the marriages and families of the nation must be transformed. We present a turn-around strategies to restore marriages and families and to train Family Restoration Advocates towards building strong families for the nation.

Modeling The Universal Priesthood

Modeling universal priesthood is God’s blueprint of reconciling all things, sustainable leadership, sustaining the blessings and prosperity of the land and the nation. This intervention presents the skills and strategy of raising faithful priesthood who will be able to establish the purpose of God in the nation.

Community Transformation

You do not need anyone to tell you that most communities especially in Africa are facing challenges that the government does not have all the solutions. We need men and women who are trained to take responsibilities and rebuild the ruins in our communities. The Nehemiah Projects (Socio-spiritual and Socio-economic interventions).

Operating On The Thrones

The throne is a place of strategy and influence, but very dynamic and complex with great and divers challenges. We need to train men and women with the practical approaches to redeem the thrones and timeless principle of operating on the thrones as a key strategy to enable leaders to fulfill their throne assignments and responsibilities.